Inanna Box set includes:
1 Inanna Devotional Candle
1 Inanna Loose Incense with spoon
1 Spirit Anointing Oil
1 Inanna Rosary
1 Altar Cloth
While bringing this candle into fruition, it was apparent to me that it needed to embody Inanna in all of her aspects that have been revealed to me over the years of working with her; Goddess of Love and Sacred Sexuality, Queen of Heaven and Inanna in her Decent into Kur. Though the collection as a whole is to support you as you walk with Inanna into Kur through the path working of her sacred rosary (see post tomorrow) the candle can be burnt to honour her in any way that she shows up for you.
Inanna incense is a potent bouquet of Rose, Sandalwood, True Copal and Blue Cornflower. Burnt as an offering and a gentle healing hand as you walk the path of decent. Inanna, the embodiment of Venus herself, Queen of Heaven and Sumerian Goddess of Love and Sexuality, is a powerful ally in aligning with the highest frequency of the truth of who you are. Her magick is one that is brought only through the depths of your own darkness. She is unapologetic in her truth and asks us to surrender our attachments in order to reclaim our power and deepen into her feminine mysteries.
Inanna Spirit Oil, Lavender, Lily of The Valley, Rose and Myrrh wrap around you in comfort, urging you to keep going through processes of initiations and resurrections. A powerful ally in shadow work particularly that of healing the lower chakras.
The Inanna Rosary is a hand crafted ritual tool of pathworking as we walk with Inanna on her journey of descent.
We folllow this path through the beads of this garnet rosary, every seventh bead represents a gate, these special beads are carefully crafted of powdered rose pedals and sealed with rose oil. An antique rosette hangs at the centre medal representing the gnosis reclaimed in this pathworking, a deep mystery of Venus herself. A single owl vertebrae hangs in the drop, the owl a creature of death/rebirth and sacred to the Goddess Inanna/ Ishtar.
Each Rosary will come with a copy of Inanna’s Descent to assist you in this rite.
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