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It contains flowers, herbs and resins connected to the death moon and honors Lilith as the black queen of the night side.

Lilith is a demonic deity, often associated with seductions and sexual perversions.

Of the seductress it is said


“Her house sinks down to Death, And her course leads to the shades.

All who go to her cannot return And find again the paths of life.” (Proverbs 2:18-19)


In the qliphotic working system Lilith rules the qliphah Gamaliel, which is referred to as “the obscene ones” within the qliphotic context, even though it rather translates as the “reward of god”.


Gamaliel is seen opposite the sephirah yesod on the tree of life, which is associated with the planetary influence of the moon – the unconscious in which the other spheres are present yet dormant, like a lake filled with emotions and fluctuating reflections, situated in between the higher planes and the physical plane of manifestation.


Therefore Gamaliel is connected to an inversion of these lunar flows, the dark of the moon, lunar eclipses and may be envisioned as a lake filled with black water or “soul matter”.


Use this incense for general veneration of the dark goddess Lilith, in combination with the black mirror and scrying bowls and for other types of astral workings that aim at manifestations.


Peony buds
Patchouli leaf
Red rose buds
Cinnamon sticks
Cassia bark
Blue Sage




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