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~Mabon~( Ma-Bawn) Sept 21~

•I would like to note that this oil, like all other perfumes and ritual oils made here at Mirall Bruja, is made for spiritual use and connection to other realms with only natural ingredients that have been chosen carefully to assist you with your rituals. Each Oil is priced according to the Sacred ingredients used, many of which are highly prized and rare oils.

•Autumn Equinox, Cornucopia

•This Lovely Mabon Blend is the very Essence of the Autumn Equinox, that great shift of energy that we feel beneath our feet and within our souls~ The cooling of the Earth as she begins to fall deep into her slumber~ The beckoning breeze that runs through us, calling us back to remember lives past, pulling us closer to the magick of the otherworld and into the wisdom of our Ancestors~ Some attribute the magick of autumn to the comfort of our cozy sweaters, boots and hot pumpkin drinks, which is partly true….. but you see, it is the Veil between the Spirit world and our own that creates the true comfort, gently shedding its layers to prepare us for the brief and effortless moment at Samhain when we are able to walk between worlds and commune with our Ancestors, it brings us closer to those that was have lost and to those that are in our lives today. When we really stop and listen to this shift, listen to the nature around us, to the voice of our Ancestors, and observe it all with a new sight, then we begin to understand the nostalgia of this sacred season, we begin to see that it is the power of gathering with family and friends that comforts us. It is the power of seeing the trees shed their dying leaves to be reborn in the Spring. As we see the Earth prepare for her seasonal death, we must see ourselves as a reflection of nature and honor the sacred cycle of Life, Death and Rebirth that is happening around us and also within us.

•Containing the finest Essential oils of Cinnamon, Sage,Cardamom and Chamomile~ Filled with herbs of Marigold, Dried Apples and Cinnamon Chips~ Infused with crystal energies of Carnelian (Actually in the bottle)

~Uses for Ritual Oil~
•Anoint Ritual Objects
•Anoint Yourself and Others
•Burn in diffuser
•Pour a little into your Ritual bath
•Use in all ways that are EXTERNAL only
•Anoint Altar candles

•Mabon is one of the Lesser Sabbats, also known as Autumn equinox, when the length of days and nights are again equal. This is a time for reflection, reaping the benefits of past efforts and the time to honor Nature and the bounty and blessings that she has bestowed on us~

•Mabon is a magical time of gathering and giving thanks with those we love, which has paved the way for what we also call Thanksgiving~ Take advantage of this magical time and give thanks to those that you are thankful for by sharing the fruits of your labor ♥

•Traditions~ Making and drinking of wine, baking and drying apples, sharing with the less fortunate, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offerings to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over~



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