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Mistletoe Leaf: A symbol of divinity, tenacity, rebirth, love, hope and Spiritual healing


Botanical Name: Viscum album


Parts Used: Leaf


Planet: Sun & Jupiter


Element:  Fire 


Magical Powers & Uses: Mistletoe leaves can be added to love spells via loose incense to increase potency or worn in a bag. Sprinkle around an inscribed red candle with dried red rose petals to flame passion for the one you love. Also known for its ability to protect against negativity and initiate a rebirthing especially during the Yule season. For Spiritual Healing grind into a fine powder, dress a purple candle with Spiritus Validus anoiting oil and roll dressed candle in Mistletoe leaf powder. Burn candle during meditation and/or journaling during shadow work.



Magickal Blessings,





10g paper bag
200ml glass jar



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