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 ~•Sacred Feminine Ritual Bath•~


Self-Love Rituals take us to that sacred space that lies within us all~ that space where we can commune with our higher selves and reconnect with the Divine Feminine, that space that we so soon forget about once we are caught up in our daily mundane routines. 


Your Sacred Feminine Ritual Bath is a luxurious blend of Pink Himalayan Salt and Dead Sea Salt soaked in the Finest Narcissus and Tuberose Essential oils~ Waking your inner sensuality and bringing forward the Goddess within~  Graced with Red & Pink Roses and Hibiscus Flowers.   All offering you everlasting beauty and grace from within whilst relaxing your Mind, Body and Spirit. Small Rose Quartz crystals are included and rests in the bottle, they promote self love and happiness~ ♥


Made on a Waxing Friday Moon~ This invokes the Sacred Feminine in us all and honors Venus, which brings out Inner Beauty, Feminine Strength and Creativity~ 

Honor your Sacred Feminine Body and allow all of your daily worries melt away~ 


♥️Use your Sacred Feminine Ritual Bath whenever you feel the need to connect to your inner Goddess or relax from your day~  Draw a hot bath, light candles and put on relaxing music as you soak up all of the physical and spiritual benefits of your luxurious soak~ The Ritual Bath is especially best used when you are on your Moon Cycle~ 


When preparing for a Ritual Bath, you’ll want to be completely clean, free of dirt and makeup so that it doesn’t mix into your ritual bath water , so showering before your bath is recommended~  Make sure that you stay in the bath for 15-20 minutes minimum~ imagine yourself releasing any unwanted energy that you no longer wish to carry, or that is not for your highest good~ Ask for spiritual guidance as you begin to feel your vibrational energy rise, reconnecting with the Sacred Divine within~  



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