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This circle of protection moves with me,It goes where I go,It bends where I bend,It protects me on all sides,From all things seen and unseen,So mote it be

There are many worldly and otherworldly energies that can make us feel the need to protect ourselves. The feeling of being protected offers us a chance to relax and know that we are spiritually taken care of.I call this Triple protection because it evokes power through the use of visual symbols, powerful protection herbs and specific intent to protect the mind, body and spirit..

This carefully blended Triple Protection Oil is infused with Herbs, Protection salt and Essential oils meant for powerful Protection and have been employed throughout the ages to assist in such matters.

Containing Rosemary, Violet, Vervain, Myrrh, Angelica, Rue and Rose Geranium. Added in is a pinch of Dead Sea Salt that has been energetically charged with protection as its intent~ Crystal charged with Obsidian Stone to block the negativity, allowing you to handle it in an eloquent way, whether you are dealing with people or spirit. This is an empowering protection oil, giving you the strength to fight back.Witchcrafted during specific planetary hours and days to heighten its purpose to protect and shield.

Some of the ingredients are kept private to preserve its originality~ .Protection oil can be used to anoint self, windows and doors to protect your body and home temple. Use the anointing oil for protection against both physical and psychic attacks~ This is great for those that are sensitive to the energy and spirit world around us all.





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