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Midwinter~ Yule~ Jul~ December 21st


“One must have a mind of winter

To regard the frost and the boughs

Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;


And have been cold a long time

To behold the junipers shagged with ice,

The spruces rough in the distant glitter


Of the January sun; and not to think

Of any misery in the sound of the wind,

In the sound of a few leaves,


Which is the sound of the land

Full of the same wind

That is blowing in the same bare place


For the listener, who listens in the snow,

And, nothing himself, beholds

Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.”



As the Sun begins to stand still, and the Earth coils deeper into her slumber, gather around your warm fires, whether they be large or a tiny candle flame. Set your wishes on fire and throw them into the flames while warming your spirit. Fire brings us together in magical ways, And if we are solo, it makes us feel wrapped in warmth and comfort. Embrace the magick that comes from the darker days, they beckon us to put away our work and spend time with family or within. Reflection is key during these times and this magical candle can provide a source of comforting light in the darkest of times.



 This lovely and natural scented candle is graced with Siberian Fir, Cinnamon, Piñon Pine, Copal, Cedar, Orange Spices, Juniper Berries, And sprinkled with tiny Garnet Gemstones. The smell of Yule fills the air your spirit.



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