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Packed with coffee beans and essential oils that help fight cellulite, this soap exfoliates while it moisturises skin, A coffee soap that is also great for the kitchen as it has deodorizing properties. It offers exfoliation that promotes circulation and helps with the appearance of cellulite, while moisturising skin and leaving it feeling soft and supple.


With fresh ground coffee beans, that are packed with antioxidants which help to release toxins, making this soap helpful not just for cellulite, but for healthy skin in general. As a stimulant, the caffeine dilates blood vessels, which tones and tightens tissue. It also increases circulation and reduces water retention, both of which may also help smooth the appearance of cellulite.


coconut oil, ivy oil, cocoa butter, essential oils, coffee beans, coffee extract



CELLULITE | Coffee Exfoliating Soap


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