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Lilith would be Adam's First Wife. A true rebel, indomitable that the first man would have repudiated because she wanted to make love above and not below. She is liberated but annexed in Darkness and expresses all her splendor without being saddened by the lack of Light. Its history reflects a matriarchal society which succeeds a domination of man by taming the Feminine Eve.

A popular etymology links the name Lilith to the Hebrew root laylâ “night.” This bad etymology makes it a night demon. It is in fact the Hebrew form of the Akkadian lilītu, feminine of lilû. It derives from the Sumerian líl which means wind. It is originally a Mesopotamian demon linked to wind and storm.🌪The Serpent of Eden was in fact Lilith the Unruly taking pity on Eve, her Sister, seeking to help her to offer her Freedom. Every woman born of Eve contains a little Lilith through the Apple. We have a whole part of her within us and it’s far from being demonic.🖤In this, Lilith is also the Initiator.Certainly the Path can be painful to find yourself, but the Apple remains a true Gift. Let's accept it when we need to learn to say "no" and get out of sleepy comfortable situations.Lilith will always appear, to every woman, to bring her the Freedom necessary for her development. At first it will be painful, but it is a wonderful gift for us and our descendants.Enhance your dark sacred femininity with this ritual box that will help you accept your part of darkness. It is an ode to the body and the natural needs of women, all too often stigmatized in our patriarchal world.


🌑 1 Lilith candle decorated with smoky quartz, and onyx.


🌑 2 handcrafted candles


🌑 1 Lilith bath salt , rose petals, cornflowers, calendula, lavender, dried figs and frankincense essential oil.


🌑1 Lilith incense


🌑 1 Lilith ritual oil

Crafted in ritual in honour of Lilith. Combining the spirits of Lily and Lotus as offering to Her. Use this oil in rituals as offering and by anointing yourself for evocation of Lilith. Also use to consecrate your tools in Her name.Prior to first use, charge this oil by adding 1-3 drops of your own blood.


🌑1 spell jar Lilith: black salt, eggshell, mugwort, yarrow, Damascus rose buds and red rose petals, onyx, garnet. Sealed with red and black wax.


This spell jar was designed and dedicated especially to honor Lilith, it will be placed on your altar, in your bag or your bedside table to channel Lilith when you engage in self-love or with a partner.Black salt offers protection, black obsidian protects, wards off bad intentions, cuts ties and gets rid of negative connections.Mugwort helps with psychic visions and facing difficult truths and trauma. Garnet purifies energy by bringing serenity and passion where appropriate. Allows balance, libido and alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope.Red rose petals represent love and passion, as well as a reminder of Lilith's first home, the Garden of Eden. The perfect offering for the goddess.


🌑 Serpentine Ointment

Mandragora and Serpent come together to create an ointment for ecstatic rites and sex magick. For those new to Mandragora, it’s effects are more euphoric and “giddy” than the other banes used in traditional flying ointments. It is also warming to the skin and acts as an Aphrodisiac, making it a great message aid pre ritual.


🌑 Lilith Spirit Oil Roll On

This offering has been a long time coming. I wanted to create a Spirit Oil that carried through its ingredients some of the deeper mysteries of Lilith as well as her transformative essence. Dragons Blood resin anchors the deep mystery flowers of Lilith, with a hint of Black Smokey Amber.

To be worn upon the body when we find ourselves in the throes of her transformative chaos; an offering to her and to ourselves to surrender and deepen into all that we are.


🌑 Lilith Statue


🌑 Lilith Handmade Soap


🌑 Lilith’s Eye Oracular Tonic

Lilith’s Eye is an Oracular Tonic. Incorporating Bay Laurel and Tulsi Basil, both of these herbs offered by Lilith to aide us in deepening into the Oracular Mysteries that is Her. We are called to work with it via a single drop under the tongue before any oracular working, or journey in which Lilith will be asked to be present.



🌑 Crystal Red jasper


**Made to order and shipped after 14 days



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