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On an emotional level, selenite stone helps you relax and helps purify the surrounding air. It would improve the quality of sleep if placed near you during the night.


Placed in one of the rooms of your house, next to a lamp for example, it is a very effective emitter of positive energies.

It helps to establish an inner serenity conducive to the elevation of the spirit and meditation.


It is said to have the power to bring buried reminiscences to the surface.


Thus, this stone, as a real impetus, makes it possible to undo previous blockages, responsible for certain complexes.

Accompanied by a Selene stone, you will therefore tend to regain self-confidence and turn your wounds into strength to find true serenity.

All the energies of your body are balanced again in a perfectly fluid manner and you regain control of all your faculties.

It is very useful for pregnant women and accompanies them throughout the process by bringing them well-being and tranquility thanks to the irradiation it emits, while introducing them to the different cycles of life.


It is also beneficial for breastfeeding and to calm the feverishness of young children.


Although there have been many theories about the origins of Selenite, the reference to Greek mythology remains the most likely.


It seems that the Selenite stone owes its name to the goddess Selene who embodied benevolence and purity, and who was also linked to the White Moon.


And it is for this reason that according to some, the full moon endowed selenite with great power.





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