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If Zeus chose us a King of the flowers in his mirth,

He would call to the rose and would royally crown it,

For the rose, ho, the rose! is the grace of the earth,

Is the light of the plants that are growing upon it.

For the rose, ho, the rose! is the eye of the flowers,

Is the blush of the meadows that feel themselves fair,

Is the lightning of beauty, that strikes through the bowers

On pale lovers who sit in the glow unaware.

Ho, the rose breathes of love! ho, the rose, lifts the cup

To the red lips of Cypris invoked for a guest!

Ho, the rose, having curled its sweet leaves for the world,

Takes delight in the motion its petals keep up,

As they laugh to the Wind as it laughs from the west.


-Achilles Tatius (attributed to Sappho)


Fall under the magical enchantment of the Queen of Flowers. Allow her to weave beauty into every fiber of your being. She will enchant your senses and captivate spirit, making a poet of your romantic heart.


If you love Roses, you will adore this bottle of Enchanted Rose Garden Bath Salts~ Witchcrafted with Organic Rose Otto Essential Oil,  Organic Roses, Mediterranean Sea Salt, and Pink Himalayan Salt. Infused with a small Rose Quartz chips hidden inside your bottle.  A little goes a long way with these lovely bath salts. This is not your synthetic powdery rose, this is the finest quality of Rose Otto essential oil. It uplifts, enchants, and captivates the spirit.  Add a little to your bath and daydream yourself to an ancient rose garden of secret mysteries. If you don't have a bathtub, create a small foot or hand bath in a large bowl.


This simple, yet luxurious rose bath soak is perfect for connecting to the sacred feminine power of the divine essence of Rose and all that she embodies. Sprinkle a few teaspoons in your bath and soak your beautiful bones into the ancient wisdom and comforting aroma of Her.

A wonderful companion for Love and Self-Love rituals. A soothing awakening into your own sacred feminine power.



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