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Womb Love Moontime Cacao Elixir

A nourishing and supportive blend of Ceremonial Cacao, Ashwagandha, Rose, Nettle and Raspberry Leaf.


~ This carefully chosen blend of organic and adaptogenic ingredients ~ to nourish the body and mind, balance hormones and support female reproductive health. An indulgent and sensual drink, perfect to sip during your moontime, sacred menstruation. specifically formulated to promote hormonal balance, calm cramping, soothe pain and boost low mood.


The ritual :


Add 1 heaped tablespoon to a pan, add a little hot water and mix with a whisk into a thick paste.

Add a cup measure of plant based milk to pan, warm gently until hot (but not boiling as we do not want to loose cacao’s nutrients!) and mix in paste.

Stir in some natural sweetner, honey or maple syrup to preference.

Which until frothy and smooth.

Optional transfer to blender and blend mix for a few seconds to combine and create a silky smooth drink.

Pour into favourite mug.

Sit back, unclench your jaw and relax your shoulders. Take a deep breath in, exhale slowly through the mouth as many times as you need to drop in.

With presence and intention invite the plant spirit of Ceremonial Cacao in. Giving thanks to the indigenous medicine carriers that allow us to enjoy and work with the healing energies of Cacao so far from her ancestral lands. You may speak intentionally into your mug of cacao, before you close your eyes and gently take your first sip.

Hold the warm mug of elixir close to your heart space and feel the loving embrace of Mother Earth.






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